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Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS)

Certification Level | LEED Platinum (Certified)

Location | University of British Columbia

Architect | Busby Perkins+Will

Our Role | During his tenure at Busby Perkins+Will, Sébastien was an integral part of the design team as Design Architect and Senior Research Advisor and he performed advanced Green Building materials research, such as using leading-edge whole building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that led to innovative carbon accounting in support to the carbon neutrality claims. The CIRS building is heralded as “the Greenest building in North America”. (http://planning.ubc.ca/news-events/ newsletter/ 2013-07-29/ ubc-opens-north-americas-greenest-building).

The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) at The University of British Columbia was developed in response to the challenge of creating a more sustainable society. Its intention is to be an internationally recognized research institution that accelerates the adoption of sustainable building technologies and sustainable urban development practices.

CIRS was designed to be the most innovative and high performance building in North America at the time of its opening in 2011. Integrated building systems, comprehensively monitored and centrally controlled, are designed meet goals of zero carbon emissions, water self-sufficiency, net-positive energy performance and zero waste.

Ongoing research investigates the interactions of building inhabitants with this comprehensive high-performance building and the integration of education, community outreach, applied research and market-based replication.

The building acts as a living laboratory allowing research and investigation of current and future sustainable building technologies, as well as the impact of inhabitant actions and engagement with the systems.

Partners from private, public, and NGO sectors share the facility, working with researchers to identify areas for innovation in sustainable technologies and practices and to create a springboard for their development and widespread implementation.

(source: CaGBC website | http://leed.cagbc.org/LEED/projectprofile_EN.aspx)

(This is a Busby Perkins+Will project)